Elbow Creek Fall 2022
Your brochures. Both packed in student packets. There will be slight changes in final catalogs. Frozen items only delivered to school. All other products may be delivered to home or school. Click on brochure to page through it.
Prizes below, Cumulative Prize Parade and Daily Coop Prizes.

Prize flyer printed on student packet envelopes, Prizes packed in student box of products.

Kung Fu Coops daily prizes

Kung Fu Coops explained

Sample parent letter with prizes and Coops, this will be upgraded to look better for this fall. We will also provide a Spanish version. This will be printed inside your student packets.
Sample email to send to teachers 2 days before kick off. The teachers promoting the fundraiser is the key to success.
Sample email to send to parents on kick off day. They can click on the links and shop, pay, order etc. This increases your sale a lot.